written by admin on Mar 05, 2022

Category // Dog Grooming

Ticks and Dogs: Not a Happy Combination

Ticks are dangerous for pets, especially dogs, and we all know it. But most of the times we fail to realize the ‘why’ behind it. Through this post, we will be highlighting the means of protection against ticks and to adopt dog health management to ensure that your precious dog remains tick-free all their life.

What are ticks?

Ticks are like Darth Vader to dogs who cannot escape the itch, scratch and masked nuisance that they project. These tiny creatures have the most atrocious ways of sitting on the skin of your dog and pestering them until we realise that something is not right.

Ticks are pesky ectoparasites (organisms) that live on the outer body of dogs (and cats). These tiny creatures are fairly common phenomena with animals and may occur on an annual basis. Tick activity differs from region to region and their severity can vary as per the climate as well.

Although they are small, they can swell up to the size of a pea once they have successfully attached themselves to the dog. Ticks are not only harmful to dogs (and pets), but they can harm humans and transmit infectious diseases as well, if not treated properly.

A proper dog grooming brush might just help in tackling this problem in a better way.

How can we protect dogs against ticks?

Habits and region play an important role in the breeding of ticks. If spotted earlier, they can be easily removed. However, they can also create a terrible itch for your dog, the longer they stay latched on.

As part of dog grooming essential services, Petsfolio gives you innate techniques to tackle ticks in a better way and protect your dog from further attacks.

Spotting ticks

This is the first step to identify that a problem persists. These organisms are eight-legged parasites that stick to the outside of the dog’s body and suck their blood slowly. On closer inspection, they look like warts and are found mostly sticking to the head and neck area of the dogs.

Just run your hand over the head and neck or part your dogs’ fur to spot them.

Removing ticks

With the help of a dog grooming center, you can successfully attempt to remove these pesky creatures systematically. However, do not attempt to remove them like you remove lice from a human head. Their mouthparts may get stuck to the body of the dog and cause further inflammation or infection. They can cause redness as well as irritation.

It is best to show a dog care expert or a vet who will remove the tick with the help of a specially-made tick removing tool that will get rid of the mouthparts as well. They can also show you how to remove ticks if they come back.

Prevention of dog ticks

As we mentioned, dog ticks are usually seasonal and their severity may depend on the region you stay in and the habits your dog has. Going through a proper grooming routine and including dog grooming brush in your pets daily life, can help in reducing and preventing the occurrence of ticks.

However, it is best to consult with a vet to undergo any medicated treatments to help your pet better. Collars, spot-on treatment or some tablets can help repel the ticks or kill them if they attach themselves to a dog. These are preventive measures, but it is essential to pay attention to their hygiene and environment to ensure they do not return.

Dangers of Dog ticks

Ticks carry infectious diseases and may pose to be a problem for your pet or even you. They are very good at passing off infections from other animals by just feeding and biting the skin area.

Some of the most common diseases that can strike dogs because of ticks include-

  • Lyme disease– It is a serious bacterial infection that can cause loss of appetite and depression in dogs. Other symptoms may include lameness, fever, painful joints, swollen lymph nodes, etc. Connect with your vet to help you treat your dog better.
  • Anaemia– Although rare, but ticks can consume enough blood to cause anaemia, a severe blood deficiency.
  • Paralysis– Certain female ticks can also cause paralysis, which is very rare in dogs, because of harmful toxins that are released while they feed.
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever– This type of disease can cause fever lameness and an inability to perform any tasks routinely.

Steps to protect dog ticks

The best ways to protect your dog from ticks include-

  • Regular use of tick-control products such as dog grooming brush, bathing with vet-approved treatment shampoos.
  • Applying dog grooming drying techniques that will help in keeping the fur dry and not moist.
  • Treating your outdoor environment and make sure you use pet-friendly outdoor products only.
  • Keep your dog away from any woods or grassy area, which can be the primary source of tick transfer.
  • Maintain a log of the time that ticks are most active during the year.

While ticks are harmful to animals, they are equally irritating for humans as well. They can leave a bite or reddishness on the skin that may irritate and further cause inflammation. It is best to consult with your vet if you spot any trouble with your pet immediately.

For more dog health management techniques and methods, get in touch with Petsfolio today!

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