written by admin on Mar 05, 2022

Category // Pet Emotions

Does Dog Punishment Make Them Obedient or Stubborn?

Every dog is different, and we have to keep this in mind while interacting with them. As pet-parents or dog trainers, we need to gauge their temperament, structure their eating habits, sleep and activity patterns, and balance their time indoors and outdoors. The pandemic has forced us to stay cooped within our four walls, which has taken a toll on our pets and us.

While a Cocker Spaniel or a Golden Retriever may be docile and extra lovable; a German Shephard or Pomeranian might get a little snappy; a Rottweiler or Husky may get more aggressive if not dealt with properly. Every pet has a different type of environmental adaptability. Our responsibility is to find a way to address their issues more proactively and positively if they are misbehaving, acting stubborn, or being disobedient.

If a dog acts stubborn, our first reaction is to shout at them or even scold them by raising our voice. By doing so, you will notice a sudden change in the dogs’ behaviour- they will become coy, come and lick you, cuddle into you, curl their tails inside, or droop their ears.

Now such a sight is bound to melt any heart. Right! Well, this is where you need to step up and correct a dog using positive training methods.

Letting them off without any punishment will lead to a similar scenario later or culminate into something more aggressive. So how can you punish a dog for being disobedient or stubborn without being harsh?

Be Firm and Prompt

Telling a pet off correctly is the first step in making a real connection with them. When they misbehave or act stubborn, you need to be prompt and firm. Maintaining a stern ‘No’ in a firm voice will slowly make them understand they need to listen to your instructions and not repeat their behaviour.

Firmness need not mean being harsh or shouting. It is the tone of your voice and your action they understand and act upon.

Next time when they repeat the same mistake, your gesture will be enough to tell them they cannot continue doing the same thing.

Be Consistent

There is nothing like falling prey to cute looks and those absolutely adorable droopy eyes. But, as a pet-parent or a dog trainer, it is important to understand the meaning of being consistent in giving punishment.

While it is inappropriate to constantly tell ‘NO’ but in situations where you see a pattern emerging, you have to mean ‘NO’. It cannot be something you do once in a while, without any meaning, or every time either. You need to make it clear to your pet there are certain activities that will not be tolerated and will end in punishing them.

Time Out

Once you have defined your dogs’ activities, it becomes much clearer to reward them or punish them. You can apply the ‘time-out’ method to punish them for something they are not supposed to do. This could mean restricting their movement in the house or telling them to sit in one corner; either way, laying the ground rules in certain habits is very important.

There may be a few ways to punish dogs, however, rewarding them for positive behaviour is equally important. If they listen to you immediately or not repeat the activities they are punished for, it is vital to reward them with their favourite treat or game.

All work and no play will make your Dogg-o-Jack a dull boy too.

It is imperative to train a dog to listen to your commands and understand the meaning behind them. Structured dog punishment does not make them disobedient or stubborn in the long run. You need to ensure that you maintain a balance between positive reinforcement and dog punishment.

To know more about the correct dog training technique, get in touch with our dog trainers at Petsfolio today!

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